Indonesia is no. 4 country Facebook users by Dec 2009

Image via Wikipedia
According to Nick Burcher in his blog, found here: Facebook usage statistics by country - Dec 31st 2009
He mention that as of 31st Dec 2009, Indonesia is no. 4 country in the number of Facebook users.

Here's some statistic that he has:
I have been publishing Facebook usage statistics by quarter for a while now. Facebook user number growth is still extraordinary and the table below shows the top 30 countries by number of active Facebook users.
Here are the Top 30 countries with highest number of Facebook users (31st December 2009 - data from Facebook):

RankCountryNumber of Facebook users12 month growth %6 month growth %

[*figures are taken from Facebook and then compared to Facebook usage statistics lists that I have previously compiled (allowing the 6 month and 12 month comparisons.)]
This statistic is very make sense because if you live in Indonesia, you will see how Facebook has become a commodity for cellular operator to sell their product. Check out these ad from Indonesian cellular operator. And if you happen to stand among the crowd like in train or buses, you will see people starring at their phone screen opening facebook.

Esia with its Facebook phone
Esia Gayaku

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