Say NO to Megawati page on Facebook - Not a black campaign, it's our aspiration
This weekend, there was a page in Facebook which many Indonesian FB'ers considered exceptional. The "Say NO to Megawati" page in Facebook has drag supporters from 24.553 supporter on 5 April 09, 00:50 to 70,621 supporters by the time I write this entry (6 April 09, 12:20). Here is the screenshot of the page:

To follow the number of supporters, Andika has made a statistic page here:

Kompas and other media already discuss this page. Megawati's campaign team also already report this page to Banwaslu (election watch organization). I'm sure it will be interesting to see how this case will go. Some of the news:

To follow the number of supporters, Andika has made a statistic page here:

Kompas and other media already discuss this page. Megawati's campaign team also already report this page to Banwaslu (election watch organization). I'm sure it will be interesting to see how this case will go. Some of the news:
- Source: nasional.kompas.combelum jadi presiden aja udah mau menjarain rakyat yang mengkritiknya, kalo dia jadi presiden lagi. kita bisa dimutilasi...SAY NO TO MEGAWATI!!
- Source:
- Source:
- detikPemilu: Ulasan Tercepat Seputar Pemilu 2009 | Pembuat 'Say No To Mega' Bisa Dipenjara 1 Tahun &Source:
